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About Lesson
Read the passage and answer the questions.

Café Inc. is a fast-growing company that makes and sells coffee. It has over 1,000 cafés in the USA and Canada, and it's growing quickly in other countries too. The company wants to open new cafés in China because there are lots of people there, and many people like drinking coffee.

The company knows China is a big country with different regions and different cultures, so it's going to open its first café in Beijing because it's a big city where people are used to seeing new things. The company sent me, Simon, to Beijing last month to find a good place for the café. I looked at lots of places and I chose a building on Wangfujing Street because it's a famous street where lots of people go shopping.

The company also sent our top coffee taster, Maria, to Beijing last week. She went to lots of cafés and she found out what Chinese people like about coffee. She found out that most people prefer tea to coffee, but young people like the smell of coffee. They don't really like the taste, but they like going to cafés with their friends. She also found out that some young people like sweet coffee, but most people don't like sweet coffee. Most people like strong coffee, but not too strong.

Our next step is to send our best café designers to Beijing. They're going to look at the building and decide how many tables and chairs we can have. They're also going to think about what the café should look like inside. We want the café to feel modern, but we also want it to feel comfortable. We're going to have some traditional Chinese furniture, but we're going to have some modern furniture too. We're also going to have some traditional Chinese drinks, but we're going to have some modern drinks too. We're going to have a special drink for young people. It's going to be sweet and it's going to have some coffee in it, but it's not going to be too strong. We're going to call it the Beijing Dream.

1. Where does Café Inc. want to open new cafés?
2. Why did the company choose Beijing as the location for its first café in China?
3. What did Maria, the top coffee taster, find out about young Chinese people's preference for coffee?
4. What is the next step after sending Maria to Beijing?
5. What will be the special drink for young people at the café in Beijing?