4 Have got / Has got
About Lesson
Read the passage and answer the questions

The Amish are a group of people who live in North America. They live very simply and don't use any modern technology. There are about 250,000 Amish people in the USA and Canada. Most Amish people live in Pennsylvania and Ohio. They have their own schools, hospitals and shops. They speak a dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch. It's similar to German. The Amish are farmers. They grow crops and look after animals. They also make things with their hands like furniture and quilts. Some Amish people work in factories. Amish people go to church every second Sunday. The services are very long - three hours or more. They sing hymns and listen to readings from the Bible. When they're not working, Amish people spend time with their families and friends. They love playing games together. They also enjoy going to auctions and markets. The Amish don't travel much. They don't go on holiday or visit other countries. They think it's important to stay close to home and be part of their community. Amish people dress differently from most Americans. Men wear black suits, white shirts and black hats. Women wear long dresses and bonnets. They don't wear any jewelry. The Amish don't watch TV or use computers. They don't have cars. They travel by horse and buggy. They don't have electricity in their homes. They use gas lamps instead of electric lights. The Amish don't have mobile phones. They use public phones if they need to make a call. They don't have telephones at home. They write letters to each other instead. Some Amish people use the Internet at work. They can also use the phone there. But they can't use the phone for personal calls. It's against their religion. Many people admire the Amish because of their simple way of life. But it's difficult to be Amish. You can't choose your own clothes or job. You have to follow all the rules of the church. And you can't leave the community if you want to. Amish people don't use any modern technology, but they're not against it. They think that some things - like cars and phones - take people away from their families and communities.

1. What is the approximate number of Amish people living in the USA and Canada?
2. Where do most Amish people live in North America?
3. What kind of language do the Amish people speak?
4. What is a common occupation among the Amish people?
5. How do Amish people travel instead of using cars?
6. What type of clothing do Amish women typically wear?